Terms of Use

We reserve the right to do the following at any time:

Any modifications we make to the ToU take effect as soon as we publish them on Coinosee.com.

The Coinosee Sites' information and other content, such as advertising, directories, guides, articles, opinions, reviews, text, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips, video, html, source and object code, software, data, and the selection and arrangement of the aforementioned, as well as the "look and feel" of the Coinosee Sites, are all protected by intellectual property laws. To the best extent permitted by law, Coinosee diligently maintains its rights to the Content.

You can access the Content online and only use it for your own personal, non-commercial purposes. You can also download or print one copy of any part of the Content for that purpose, as long as you don't remove any trademark, copyright, or other notices that may be present. Without Coinosee's specific permission, you may not, for instance, republish the Content on any Internet, Intranet, or Extranet site, include it in any database, compilation, archive, or cache, or save it electronically on your computer or mobile device. You are not allowed to share any of the Content with third parties, whether or not in exchange for money or another form of payment, and you are not allowed to alter, copy, frame, reproduce, sell, publish, transmit, display, or otherwise make use of any part of the Content, unless expressly allowed by the ToU or with Coinosee's prior written consent.

The Content also includes logos, trademarks, and service marks (collectively, "Marks") held by other information providers and other parties in addition to Marks owned by Coinosee. For instance, Coinosee, Inc. has registered "Coinosee" as a trademark. No Marks may be used in any way without prior written consent from Coinosee.

Send requests to webmaster@Coinosee.com if you want to use the Content for anything besides what the ToU allow.

Coinosee honours other people's intellectual property. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that violates your copyright or are aware of any infringement-related content posted by a third party on the Website, please get in touch with our designated copyright agent in writing by sending an email to copyrightagent@Coinosee.com or sending a letter via First Class mail to Coinosee, Inc., 154 Major Avenue, 14th Floor, New York City, NY 10011, Attn: Copyright Agent, and provide the following information as required by the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. Section 512(c)(3):

The Coinosee Sites' information, goods, and services are offered absolutely "as is," "where is," and "as available." Regarding the content supplied on any Coinosee site and/or your use of any Coinosee site generally or for any specific purpose, Coinosee makes no warranties (express or implied). Any implied warranties, including but not limited to those of title, non-infringement, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose, are expressly disclaimed by Coinosee. In the event that any information provided to you via the Coinosee Sites or any of them is intercepted by third parties, Coinosee disclaims all liability for any loss or damage that may result. Coinosee can't and does not guarantee the accuracy, validity, timeliness, or completeness of any information or data made available to you for any specific purpose, even though the material supplied to you on this website was received or compiled from sources we believe to be credible. In the event that any Coinosee site fails or is interrupted, or as a result of the act or omission of any other party involved in creating any Coinosee site, neither Coinosee nor any of its affiliates, directors, officers or employees, nor any third-party providers of content, software and/or technology (collectively, the "Coinosee parties") will be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss or damage that you incur,Your access to, inability to access, or use of any Coinosee site or the materials contained therein may have been affected by any number of factors, whether or not those factors were under the control of Coinosee or any vendor offering software or services, or from any other cause relating to those factors.

In no event will Coinosee or any of the Coinosee parties be liable to you for any direct, special, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any other damages of any kind, whether under the terms of a contract or in tort, even if Coinosee or any such party has been informed of the possibility of such damages. This exclusion of liability covers, but is not limited to, the transmission of any viruses that could harm a user's computer equipment, the breakdown of mechanical or electronic devices or communication lines, telephone or other interconnect issues (such as when you can't reach your internet service provider), unauthorised access, theft, operator mistakes, strikes or other labour disputes, or any other unavoidable force majeure. Access to any of the Coinosee Sites cannot and is not guaranteed to be continuous, uninterrupted, or secure by Coinosee.

The ideas expressed by all authors are their own, and they in no way represent financial advice. Nothing released by Coinosee is intended to be a suggestion for investing, and neither its data nor its content should be used as the basis for any investment decisions.

Before making any financial decisions, Coinosee urges you to conduct your own independent research and/or consult with a licenced investment professional.

Our website contains links, including hypertext links, that will direct you to other websites. These are given for your convenience, and the presence of any link does not imply Coinosee's endorsement or approval of the linked site, its owner, or its content. These websites each have unique "Terms and Conditions." Any website that is not one of the Coinosee Sites is not under our control. The content of any such third-party websites is not monitored by us, and we take no responsibility for doing so.

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These cookies are used to gather data about how users interact with our website. The data is used by us to create reports and to enhance the website. The cookies gather information on site visitors in an anonymous manner, including their numbers, sources of access, and pages visited.

You grant us permission to set these kinds of cookies on your device by visiting our website.

Without regard to any provisions regarding conflicts of laws, the ToU and the agreement created thereby (the "Agreement") shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York. A judgement on the arbitrator's award may be entered in any court with jurisdiction, unless you and we have agreed otherwise in writing. Any dispute arising out of or relating to the Agreement, or the breach hereof, shall be finally resolved by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules, or such other arbitration body as required by law, rule, or regulation. The arbitration will take place in City of New York, New York, before one arbitrator, in the English language. One (1) year after the claim or cause of action begins, the arbitration must be started. The remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect even if for any reason any provision of it, or a portion of it, is found to be unenforceable. Instead, that provision shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law in order to carry out the purposes of this Agreement.This Agreement supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, agreements, and understandings between us and you with respect to the subject matter hereof and constitutes the entire agreement between us and you with respect to the Coinosee Sites. This Agreement's printed version shall be admissible in court or administrative proceedings.


Any rights that aren't expressly granted in this clause are reserved.